Map: Frostdale

Frostdale Surv 32-35 ruthless surv

Author: Dagarath

DU: 0/120 MU: 0/120

Disable Tower | Highlight Tower (Not Working for Chrome):
Required Hero Stats
Hero HP Damage Range Rate
Apprentice 0 7000 0 0
Monk 0 0 7000 0
Ev 0 7000 0 0
Hermit 0 7000 0 0

Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Ruthless

Game Mode: Survival

Mix Mode: No

AFK Able: No

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from Dagarath

Credit to KoD for the initial builds, I've adjusted these for my lower stats to better defend the east crystal and south crystals.

Blue arrows are DST directions

Green Arrows seed bomber directions

upgrade buff beams before starting,

32 - adept upgrader, TB monk

33-35 tb monk + preference