Build Status: Public
Difficulty: Any
Game Mode: Survival
Hardcore: No
Ruthless: Yes
Mix Mode: No
AFK Able: No
Mana Used: 0
Mana to Upgrade: 0
More Builds from The Dungeon Defender
Build looks simple, but some subtle things to note. We don't want the slow aura to touch any spawn points (that will SLOW the run down by infinity), so based on your stats, you want it covering certain intersections, but not any spawns. Adjust as needed. The difficulty jumps way up from waves 30-35. Spiders and Warriors are the bad guys here and the little ogres are a non issue really. Unlike many other Ruthless maps, there is no onslaught of huge health ogres, so the mobs drop like rain. ensure the seed bomb tower has a clear line of sight West and South, and it'll light em up!
Also, I've started running it from wave 18, just to get in some more rolls. Waves are super quick.
Party: Tower Boost monk (always on), 3 summoners with 2 each guardian pets (huntress/apprentice/monk). Between waves, you can swap the monk for a summoner and open the chests, then swap back.
Why try to armor farm here? Because the numbers are high and the speed is high (as long as you don't slow any spawn points). Quick waves of 1K-2K mobs on Ruthless provides great multiplier and for whatever reason it drops a lot of armor instead of weapons. By the numbers: From wave 21-35 this map allows us to kill 22,046 mobs (that drop loot, we don't count wave 21) and took me exactly 32 mins to run so 689 mob kills per minute. I don't know of any other ruthless survival map that gives us such a fast kill rate. Many of the reasons Ruthless difficulty tends to not be favored for armor farming are not found on this map.
Hint 2: There is a chest here that does not respawn, so if you want "1 more roll" on loot, just leave it until the end of the run and pick it up with only summoners on.
Hint 4: Work the angle of the seed bomb tower so it has a clear shot toward both the spawn on the south and on the West. It's a narrow passage to the West, but can help speed things up if you're angles are right. There's a table on the ground there, you'll want him next to it.