Map: The Ramparts

Ruthless Survival Ramparts

DU: 0/110 MU: 0/110

Disable Tower | Highlight Tower (Not Working for Chrome):

Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Any

Game Mode: Survival

Hardcore: No

Ruthless: Yes

Mix Mode: No

AFK Able: No

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from The Dungeon Defender

Pretty clean build, worked well.  On the northeast end of the highest platform we setup our Hermit build, it has great line of sight from the top of the post.  Right next to it inside the platform we build our Apprentice stack.  A couple auras on the north side, biggest issue is the ogres that get trapped on the roof, we want to atrength drain to hit them.  If your stats are a little lower, may adjust the auras to fit your need or add additional ones.  

Minions are placed on the southwest steps up to the platform.  What I show is over kill, they just need to block the way, almost any combo will work.  And if your tower builder stats are high enough, you probly don't need them at all.

I do have one Seed bomb facing northeast, even though nothing comes from there.  This is just back up in case something survives and walks up by the double crystals.  You could get away with repurposing those 4 DU somewhere is if needed.

Party: 1 Towerboost Monk, bossting.  3 Summoners with pets (Hunter/Apprentice/Monk)

I was experimenting with this map as armor farm on ruthless, but seems to drop lots more weapons than some other options (see my Servants Quarters build).  There are a couple waves on this map that sudder from "slow-ogre" spawns, and drag on a bit.  It doesn't happen every wave, just some.