Map: Valentine Citadel

Ruthless Valentine Citadel (Towers only, no DPS)

DU: 0/90 MU: 0/90

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Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Ruthless

Game Mode: Campaign

Hardcore: No

Ruthless: Yes

AFK Able: No

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from The Dungeon Defender

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DU in game is 140, not 90 as Dundefplanner shows.

Party:  3 summoners with double guradian pets each (monk, huntress, apprentice) and Tower Boost Monk

Wave 1: Auras and buff beams and all reflection beams that are not in the stack of 10, and the 7 Lts, have someone out that can kill mobs at the top crystal.  Alternately, build the DSTs and some Lts first wave, instead of all LTs.

Wave 2: Build the rest and upgrade as able

Hint 2:  Sometime before the end of the run, build the Reflector beams like they are going out of style, 4 across one way, 4 across the other way, and 2 diagonal in the middle, covering every which way of your towers and bury every player inside them as well.  I had all players stand as much on their own as possible, while trying to lay them into the reflect beams so at least one beam disected them.

Hint 3:  I had some minions here as a wall, but nothing got close enough.  It may be needed if your stats are lower, a simple wall of spiders with some mages should be fine to keep any ogres from wandering up to your tower build.

The bosses took a good time to beat.  My Tower Boost monk cycled through 3 or 4 times before they finally dropped.  The northern auras were decently depleated, but did not fail.  Careful positioning of the TB monk and the aura allowed me to reach them without moving.

If you add some DPS in the network of reflectors it may go faster, but I will say, this build was very safe; I rarely saw any hits on the towers or players and any hits that landed were instantly healed by the golem.

Rewards for the run were solid!  Good luck! 

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07 February 2025

Build was solid in nightmare. Replaced 1 LT with a lightning aura in top stack to help early waves. Filled rest of DU with a couple more reflects.