Map: The Love Machine

The Love Machine Ruthless

Author: Mr Pickles

DU: 0/70 MU: 0/70

Disable Tower | Highlight Tower (Not Working for Chrome):

Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Ruthless

Game Mode: Campaign

Hardcore: No

Ruthless: No

AFK Able: No

Time Per Run: 10:00

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from Mr Pickles

This build uses 70 DU, 70 MU

Green Arrows with Lines are where you face 4 Seed bomb towers, the Green Arrows WITHOUT lines are where you face 1 seedbomb

This requires a tower-stacking script, Do not forget the spider & Nature pylon, they are to be placed behind the stack

I used an upgrader adept for the first 3 waves, if you feel like you dont need it don't use it - You don't have to upgrade minions, if you do do it during the hero's faze -

This is a DPS Map, I used a DPS monk.