Map: Magus Quarters

Magus Quarters Nightmare Survival/Mix Mode

DU: 0/90 MU: 0/90

Disable Tower | Highlight Tower (Not Working for Chrome):

Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Nightmare

Game Mode: Survival

Hardcore: No

Ruthless: No

Mix Mode: Yes

AFK Able: No

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from CosmicalSupernova

Great build for Magus Quarters Survival (and Mix Mode) on Nightmare; this map is great for farming mythicals and mana when you're decently early on in Nightmare difficulty progression.

The heroes used for this build are as follows:
- Initiate/Monk
- Summoner
- Series EV
- Squire/Countess

Hint 1: This is a triple stack aura, consisting of an Ensare Aura, Electric Aura, and Strength Drain Aura.