Map: Emerald City

Campaign 4 App

Author: Scrub

DU: 0/120 MU: 0/120

Disable Tower | Highlight Tower (Not Working for Chrome):

Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Ascension

Game Mode: Campaign

Hardcore: No

Ruthless: Yes

AFK Able: No

Time Per Run: 15 min combat

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from Scrub

DPS app is required, and two high-stat mana bombers are highly recommended.

Wave 14 (first wave): build auras and beams. Switch to adept with some form of mana collection (dice, tower genie, etc),  place 1 lt on west core, then get on carpet to east core, start wave, collect mana to stack 4 more lt on west core (from across the map), then mana bomb, build the east core stack, and run to south core to build south stack. If you're struggling to do build all this before something goes awry, consider placing a temporary gas trap at the east and west core and a temporary e spike trap at the south core, to be sold later.

Wave 15 (second wave): build spider, mage, archer stack on each buff beam (since mini-djinn can only be killed by minions and players). Place an orc+archer or another form of minion wall at the spots marked by hint 4 if you are struggling. Switch to jester for combat.

Waves 16-18: run around upgrading everything while wheeling 3 swords off cooldown, while paying attention to aura health and repairing accordingly. Kill/lure out djinns that get stuck at hint 5.

Wave 19 (final wave): switch to dps apprentice and pull in 2 mana bombers and the builder adept. Put a mana bomber at the east and west stacks. Actively dps south core, otherwise djinn will be able to desummon. Mana bomb with splits off cooldown, and use splits to repair auras as necessary.

Boss: use overcharge on your dps app and shoot the boss to death. You can bring your mana bombers over to make the boss fight slightly faster, and also to drop mana for the dps app (if you're quick about it) in case you can't kill the boss in time with 2020 mana's worth of overcharge.

This build aims to clear the map as fast as possible, and as such, assumes you have very high stats; however, the map is doable with lower stats than I initially thought. If you're struggling, be creative and utilize snowballs on east and west cores, or put gas traps at east and west to stop sharken and stall waves, or place more minions. The least essential towers in the build are the DSTs on the east core; those should be the first things you replace if necessary. They are only there to speed up the run by killing stuck djinn in the middle-top of the map and stuck ogres/copters along the right edge of the map. You can always just kill% them instead, but your runs will be demonstrably slower.