Map: Dread Dungeon

1-1.5k Minimum Dread Dungeon NMHC MM Armor (no boost, summoners only)

Author: Clobzz

DU: 0/70 MU: 0/70

Disable Tower | Highlight Tower (Not Working for Chrome):
Required Hero Stats
Hero HP Damage Range Rate
Apprentice 500 1500 1000 1000
Huntress 1000 1000 1500 1000
Monk 1000 1000 1500 500
Ev 1000 1500 500 1000
Summoner 2000 1500 1000 1000
Hermit 1000 1500 1000 1000

Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Nightmare

Game Mode: Survival

Mix Mode: Yes

AFK Able: No

XP Per Run: 13-15M

Time Per Run: 30 minutes roughly

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from Clobzz

Start on wave 19, spend wave 19 upgrading as much as you can, easier with a genie, prioritize buff beam, LT's, golem, prox, electric aura. North Darkness is placed on bridge. Waves 20-25 run with two summoners, one is naked the other is your builder summoner, can probably be done with 4 characters if you want for xp, havent tested.

Numbers 1-5 on the map are not to be confused with the hint spots, thats the order in which you should open the chests, do note that chest 3 has a copter that can potentially drop on you and insta kill you, chests 2 and 5 are spider spawns, also can kill you if youre not careful.

Hint 1: LT's and one DST facing north

Hint 2: Minions, make sure they are far enough out so that ogres cant hit your golem behind, leave no gaps.

Hint 3: AFK spot, be in phase shift just in case, thats also where the forge is

Things to note, prox is there specifically for spiders as you are quite literally building on a spider spawn, shouldnt be an issue, spiders may occasionally web your towers with lower stats. DST is for the occasional ogre that hovers around under the bridge. OPEN THE CHESTS. Majority of your trans drops come from the chests, youll get around 3-9 per wave generally along with the occasional supreme. Dont worry if you die while chest running, You wont be using guardians anyways (you probably wont have them at this stage in progression, but if you have them use them!) so it doesnt matter, you just miss out on a couple chests, can always switch to second summoner to finish the job. Make sure youre flash healing to repair auras and traps when needed, check on north darkness every now and then too. You dont have to run with 2 summoners, should work with anything really, thats just most optimal for armor. Anyways, sit back, relax, and enjoy my first ever planner build, i hope it helped!

heres what the placements look like: