Map: Dread Dungeon

Super easy xp farm (after 20 lvl characters)

DU: 0/70 MU: 0/70

Disable Tower | Highlight Tower (Not Working for Chrome):

Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Any

Game Mode: Campaign

Hardcore: No

Ruthless: No

AFK Able: No

XP Per Run: +100k

Time Per Run: -10mins

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from (っ◔◡◔)っ ♥ Mokkakulli

Hey, I have done so many fresh starts where I completly delete my characters and lvl up them again and noticed Dread dungeon is maybe best and fastest way lvl up as early lvl and without gear. This strat requires only character lvl 20 on monk, ev and app. if u have those this run in super easy for ya. (summoner is good also lvl up same time so can use minions as shield or dps!)

I recommend just going first Easy after u beat the difficulty go one up. After insane u might not beat NM but if u beat first wawe u get same amount xp as other difficultys combined. so u can repeat the first wawe if u want. I usually go after beating insane to Survival insane and try get better gear to complete nightmare campaing. after nightmare campaing u can go to arcane library to farm accessories. and then u can beat easily surv on this map.

This same build goes all the way until u get gear to monk to move auras to middle (needs a lot range to cover crystal)

I recommend also auras put on Buff beam to get them buffed, after u have grinded more range to auras keep moving them away from buff beam to get more value of it.

1: Photos of how I have builded. (lighning tower needs to be top of fire otherwise orges comes trough under the bridge)


2: these are only if u dont have enought range to auras to kill under bridge. u can get rid of those later on and put DU to something else.

3: remember put beam top of pillars so orge might get stuck and not hit or walk towards dps towers.