Map: Small Emerald City

Ruthless Low-Mid Stats Emerald City Campaign Flawless 15min Combat time

DU: 0/140 MU: 0/140

Disable Tower | Highlight Tower (Not Working for Chrome):

Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Any

Game Mode: Campaign

Hardcore: No

Ruthless: Yes

AFK Able: No

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from AimAssistClearlyDoes

You may experience some core damage until you get use to the build. Also just use Theorans Nightmare build if you dont care for core damage

PS. wave 18/19 i accidently removed splits meaning all i had was a dps app with hunt guaard. still no core damage!

Build phase: Build hint 1 and 2 fully. hint 3 skip golem

Wave 1: Upper adept Hint 3/2/1 In Order! + TB Monk (Hint 2) Then add Golem to east core after.

Used my ALT Account/Split with an APP for staff drop with Monk Guard at Hint 2 - This is technically player 5/6!

Rest of waves: App DPS/Hunt Guard hint 3 to repair aura + TB Monk (Hint 2)

Wave 19/19: App DPS/APP Guard + TB Monk (Hint 2) + Add 2 more APP/ADEPT splits with APP Guard + Monk Guard on Hint 3! Add alt split if you have one!

Boss Fight: Run TB from hint 2 to Hint 1, APP DPS boss and win. Prob can be killed with bombers still just didnt test.