Build Status: Public
Difficulty: Ruthless
Game Mode: Campaign
AFK Able: No
Time Per Run: 13 minutes
Mana Used: 0
Mana to Upgrade: 0
More Builds from AkumaDelta
This build works on ruthless but i advise not running it higher than nightmare since ruthless doesn't give any rewards for whatever reason
Edit: ruthless now gives rewards but i still dont advise farming it on ruthless since it takes drastically longer... on nm it takes like 13 minutes but on ruthless it takes lots of people over an hour.
Suggested gear and alternates:
- Adept: Either a dice with a stat stick or a genie paired with a serpent or proto staff
- DPS (If you have a good pet probably mega chicken or better i suggest ignoring the weapon section and just bringing your normal weapon)
- Pet: Little Wiz>Eye of Ruin=Free Range Chicken>Mega Chicken>DST=Harpoon
- Weapon: BF Drill=Crystal Tracker>generic version of Crystal Tracker>weapons with multiple bouncing projectiles>weapons with one bouncing projectile>Calamity Blade>Disaster Rapier>Eternian Energy Cannon
- 3 Summoners
- Huntress Guardian/Speedy Poly and Monk Guardian/Expancive Poly
- App Guardian/Destructive Poly and Squire Guardian/Deffencive Poly or cat
- lovers cupid>desert goblin cupid>fairy (lovers cupid or desert goblin can be paired with a cat or another of the same. fairy should be paired with a Djinlet/Genie King or a DPS pet)
Wave 1 Build Phase: Start as initiate with an afk hermit split grab the chests at each of the hint 1 markers following the path denoted by the green arrows then blue arrows then build the strength drain aura, buff beam and hover over where the lightning tower will go as if you're about to place it but then cancel the placement and drop mana for hermit, have hermit place the mushroom tower then remove hermit with F7 before wave start then have your adept head for hint 2 feel free to hit g on your way.
Wave 1 Combat Phase: Collect mana at hint 2 and place 3 LT's with ctrl+9 then head back to the towers and upgrade them all to max (don't stand to close to app enemies their mana bomb is the only thing that does decent damage) wait till almost all the turkeys are dead from tower damage before heading out to finnish off the rest carefully.
Wave 2 Build Phase: sell one LT place a Forest Golem and a Nature Pylon swap to your DPS.
Wave 2 Combat Till Final Build Phase: Upgrade the Forrest Golem and Nature Pylon, from there the waves are technicaly afk able just standing on the towers so your pet takes care of any genies but i do advise taking care of the last few turkeys manualy each wave to speed things up.
Final Build Phase: Add in summoners for extra rewards have them hug the towers.
Final Combat and Boss Phase: Run around killing turkeys then the bosses.
The bosses are easy any dps should be fine but i've found ev works fastest for me.