Map: Challenge Forest Ogre Crush

Boulder thrower farm ruthless

Author: oliversn

DU: 0/150 MU: 0/150

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Build Status: Public

Difficulty: Any

Game Mode: Campaign

Hardcore: No

Ruthless: No

AFK Able: No

Mana Used: 0

Mana to Upgrade: 0

More Builds from oliversn

1st wave: build auras, bb and hermit first except for the web wall under core on the west that gets build 2nd build phase. Start wave with builder app and upper adept in to finish app towers and start on the upgrading.

2nd wave Tb + upper adept to finish the upgrades.

rest of the waves use tb + summoners ( i use 2 summoners with monk/ hunt guard) u can choose tp either use a summoner with double app guard or add ur builder app in for the last wave. since its only ogres/ obunga ogres theres not really a time save/loss for having 4 splits from the 3rd wave and out but can choose to use 1 tb and 1 monk/hunt guard summoner up untill last wave.