Disable Tower | Highlight Tower (Not Working for Chrome):
Build Status: Public
Difficulty: Nightmare
Game Mode: Survival
Mix Mode: No
AFK Able: Yes
Mana Used: 0
Mana to Upgrade: 0
More Builds from DeanWHUFC
Build on top of the bridge!
At the beginning of wave 22 you will need to boost the auras onto the buff beam. Try to place them so the meet the edge of the bridge for most coverage.
Wave 22 1x summoner with Huntress/Monk Guardian. Once the auras are boosted onto Buff beam sit on top of the LT stack. Upgrade with adept from Hint 3, aiming at Hint 4.
Wave 23 2x summoner with Huntress/Monk Guardian. I usually run a 3rd summoner with Huntress Guardian and Eye pet (this helps with stuck mobs)
Good Luck and may the ++ gods bless your runs.